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Days of our Lives
(Des jours et des vies)
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Ep. #9583
Diffusé le : 19/06/2003
PREVIEW: Nicole takes desperate measures to protect her secret; Belle and Philip overhear shocking news. SUMMARY: Both stuck in the attic crawl space, Philip urges Belle to take off her dress so she can get free. Shocked Belle tries to protest and Philip clamps his hand over her mouth to keep her quiet. John/Tek try to listen in from the surveillance van, but Philip lost his earpiece. Later, Philip and Belle overhear Tony/Maya talking about their illegal diamond trading business. After Belle finally agrees to disrobe, she makes a noise, causing Tony/Maya to notice. The A/C starts up, however, and their suspicions are allayed. Belle and Philip make their way out, Philip finding his earpiece along the way. After Belle has a near miss with Victor, Philip covers and reports that all is well to John, who is relieved that Belle is alright. Belle questions who he is talking to, and Philip must reveal that he is working an undercover mission. She cannot tell anyone, not even Shawn. Philip and (
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7 / 10
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