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Huckleberry Finn and His Friends
Précédent  1x03 Suivant
The Engagement
Diffusé le : 15/01/1980
Tom Sawyer tells his brother Sid that he isn't feeling well and doesn't want to go to school. Aunt Polly sees him through and when he suddenly claims to have a loose tooth aunt Polly decides to pull it out. On his way to school Tom bumps in to Huckleberry Finn. After Huck tells Tom that the judges niece that Becky Thatcher attends the same school as Tom, Tom suddenly decides to go to school instead of going fishing with his best friend. Because Tom arrives 35 minutes later at school he has to give his teacher a very good explanation for this. After saying that he was talking to Huckleberry Finn, the teacher punishes him by letting him sit next to the girls. Tom quickly sets himself next to his beloved Becky and writes down on his slate that he loves her. Before his teacher sends him back to his own table, he tells Becky to meet him outside in the yard at recess. He then asks her to get engaged with him. He gives her his favorite possession: a gold colored doorknob as an engagement pr (
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