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Royal Canadian Air Farce
Précédent  3x19 Suivant
Episode 3-17
Diffusé le : 08/03/1996
Impact--Paul Martin Putting Canada back in the black will be easy for Paul Martin, both he and his latest budget are already in the dark. Gilbert Smythe Bite-Me--Junos Air Farce's resident critic Gilbert Smythe Bite-me hands out his Junos list. McDonald's Baby What's making the baby cry? The Inept Carpenter Roy Earle, the Inept Carpenter, gives a new meaning to the word tool. Canadian Moment The donut shop regulars prove the deficit is just like a jelly donut: no matter how you approach it, it always leave a mess on your hands. Nation's Business--Member for Kicking Horse Pass The Honourable Member, Dave Broadfoot, answers some of his constituents' most pressing questions. Mixed Up Newsworld During a television strike, CBC management personnel try to fill in for their on-air and off-air personalities. (
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