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Royal Canadian Air Farce
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Episode 9-14
Diffusé le : 01/03/2002
Williams and Leibel - Olympics Recap: Williams and Leibel recaps the Canada hockey gold rush during the Olympics. Chicken Cannon News: The Chicken Cannon registers a perfect score with the Olympic figure skating judges and reports on Art Eggleton, Gordon Campbell, Ralph Klein, the profits of Royal Bank, Ontario PC leadership race and more. Sandie Rinaldo & French Judge: An interview with Sandie Rinaldo and the French Skating Judge. Olympic Moment - Ski Jump: Olympic security is tighter than a ski jumper's lycra inseam. Chrétien Trade Mission World Tour CD: This commercial promotes Jean Chretien's new world tour soundtrack. Olympic Moment - Goal Judge: The French Skating Judge is back as a Hockey Goal Judge behind the net of the Canadians. Off The Record: Michael Landsberg goes Off The Record with ex-spice girl - Geri Halliwell and the Zoom Zoom kid. (
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