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The Chris Isaak Show
Précédent  1x13 Suivant
Wages of Fear
Diffusé le : 04/06/2001
From Showtime: Chris starts to worry when the IRS announces it will be conducting an audit of his tax returns, especially since he's been using a low-rent accountant for years. And when his attempts to charm Greta Prussy, the IRS auditor, are met with cold stares, he figures he's in real trouble. To further complicate matters, Yola's relationship with Brian, an environmental inventor and activist, is starting to heat up and Chris is beginning to feel just a little bit jealous that his manager is going to have a life in which he plays no part. Yola's colleague Cody, with whom she had a brief fling, also feels pangs of jealousy. Anson, meanwhile, is getting an altogether different feeling – an itch, courtesy of a rash that has erupted in his nether regions. Panicked, Anson figures he picked up some exotic disease while visiting the family of his new Russian girlfriend, Svetlana. (
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