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The Chris Isaak Show
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Behind the Isaak
Diffusé le : 02/07/2001
From Showtime: When VH1's ""Behind the Music"" arrives to do a segment on Chris, the record company sends over Dana, a woman who works in publicity. Knowing that ""Behind the Music"" loves tragedies and stars with feet of clay, Dana is determined to dig up all the dirt on Chris. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be much dirt to dig into. Then Chris meets up with Maria, a photographer who dumped him nine years earlier and who now has an eight-year-old daughter, Chloe. He starts to notice that he has a lot in common with Chloe – they both love to surf, they like old music, they both hate broccoli – and, after doing the math, he comes to the inevitable conclusion that he must be the little girl's father. But what if Dana finds out? Dana, meanwhile, is getting busy with Anson, whose slovenly habits and sleazy style seem to be a strange sort of turn-on for the classy executive. And Yola is wracked with guilt after her complaints cost Gwen, a deaf-and-blind masseuse, her job. (
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