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The Chris Isaak Show
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Chris Isaak Day
Diffusé le : 20/01/2002
From Showtime: Chris is flattered when the mayor of his hometown of Stockton, California, wants to rename a street, ‘Chris Isaak Avenue.' But his journalist girlfriend Stephanie, teases him about how much he enjoys the attention that being a celebrity brings. Chris disagrees, and propels them into their first lover's tiff. However, the trip to Stockton links Chris' past to the present, and opens his eyes to what's truly important. Yola complains to Chris that she's fed up dating self-absorbed weasels from the music industry. He offers to introduce her to Ted Thomas, a fireman from his hometown. Yola is hesitant until she sees the hunky firefighter posing half-naked in a Stockton Engine Company Forty-Nine fund raising calendar. Unhappily, after a few dates, she comes to realize that Ted's got a few celebrity issues of his own – even if they're only in his head. Anson has celebrity issues, too. When his latest squeeze, Tanya complains that the Planet Hollywood jacket Anson gave he (
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