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Vengeance Unlimited
Précédent  1x12 Suivant
Diffusé le : 21/01/1999
Mr Chapel meets a man with a bag full of money, but before the switch can be made, Chapel is shot. He returns to KC and is treated by a vet. During his convalescence, we find out what led up to all this. Chapel is after Harold Wabash, the judge in a mafia trial. Wabash is on the take, but Chapel intends to see that the mafia leader is tried and convicted, so he steals some of Wabash's money, and sends it back - after a trip through a paper shredder. This leads Wabash to get help from a former hitman - the man who shot Chapel. After Chapel gets well he captures the hitman, Garcose, and befriends him. He uses another client to make the mafia think that Wabash is a traitor, and then he gives Wabash a choice: do the right thing and you can still have your money, or else... (
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