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Knots Landing
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Précédent  13x15 Suivant
Letting Go
Diffusé le : 23/01/1992
Pierce tells Victoria that if she gives him info on Greg, he'll sleep with her. Pierce chats with Claudia about Kate. Pierce goes to Paige's and packs. He throws her against the dresser and tells her he's after Greg. Paige tells Greg to get a bodyguard. Greg and Anne finally sleep together. Greg brings Mary Lou Retton to Meg's gymnastic meet. Mac, Peggy and Frank think they've won the lottery, and search all over for the ticket. They finally find it, but they'd written the numbers down wrong. Gary agrees to run the ranch for the new owner, but is frustrated when they don't see eye-to-eye on how to run it. He quits, so Val sells her wedding ring for money. The jeweler calls Gary, and he buys it back. (
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