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Ep. #468
Diffusé le : 30/04/2001
The Bennett house continues to fall apart as it sinks into the fissure in the ground. Inside the house, Tabitha is unable to free Timmy after he's pinned down by debris. Timmy puts up a brave front as he urges Tabitha to leave him behind and escape while she can. The two share an emotional good-bye before Tabitha solemnly walks away. Charity, Kay, and Miguel also remain trapped in the house. As the kids prepare to die, Kay blurts out she's going to hell. She comes close to confessing her wrongdoings, but reconsiders when she notes Charity doesn't remember that the soulless teen allowed her to get pulled into hell. Miguel devises a plan to escape. Meanwhile, firefighters try to put out the wall of flames surrounding the Bennett house so rescuers can get inside. However, the fire is too strong. Everyone watches helplessly as it seems certain the kids will die. Affected by Theresa's distress, Ethan rushes to the house for one last rescue attempt. Meanwhile, Sam and Julian have a confronta (
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