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Ep. #770 Mon
Diffusé le : 15/07/2002
Whitney feels guilty after making love to Chad. Chad reassures her. At home, Simone confides to her mother that she feels terrible for fighting with Whitney and wants to make it up to her sister. Eve and Simone talk about the heartache of losing someone. Luis proposes to an elated Beth, and she accepts. Luis promises her his love for Sheridan is in the past. Beth's mom plots to destroy her daughter's happiness. Brian asks a thrilled Sheridan to marry him. He slips a washer on her finger in lieu of a ring. Liz tries to hide her hurt over Brian and Diana's joyous news. Nick and Stan anticipate Brian's death as he gets behind the wheel of his racecar. Pilar cares for her grandson and hopes they will all one day know the truth about why Theresa confessed. A horrified Ivy and Rebecca are haunted. (
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