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Ep. #874
Diffusé le : 11/12/2002
Ethan is still trying hard to find a job, not realising that Theresa has destroyed any chance he has of getting a job to keep him close by. While talking on the phone to Whitney, Theresa gloats that her scheme is working perfectly, and she has Ethan and Gwen right where she wants them. Ethan tells Gwen he has had one job offer with an oil company, but it's in Alaska. Theresa, meanwhile, is absolutely furious to find out that Julian is hosting Ethan and Gwen's wedding at the Crane mansion until she decides she can take advantage of this opportunity to sabotage yet another of Ethan and Gwen's weddings. Pilar wants to know why Theresa is so willing to offer the mansion, and Theresa tells her mother that she will make sure that wedding never happens. While feeding little Ethan, Theresa tells her mother that she will do anything to make sure Ethan never makes a family with Gwen and their child. Pilar is disgusted by her daughter's heartlessness and duplicitness. When Ethan enters the room, (
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