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Ep. #1026
Diffusé le : 18/07/2003
Precious has a fantasy about Luis choosing her over Beth and Sheridan. Recalling how he and Sheridan have been torn apart in their past lives, Luis vows to make sure they will be together in this lifetime. Sheridan refuses to make a video in which she says she's in Paris. Beth and Charlie set out to bury Sheridan alive, but Luis shows up at the house. At the hospital, Sam stops a confrontation between Grace and Ivy. Ivy states Grace is at fault for Kay being in premature labor. Grace is hurt when Sam's silence makes her realize he agrees. David comforts his ""wife"". Hoping to widen the rift, Ivy tells Sam she feels Grace is a bad mother. Miguel continues to coach Kay through her contractions. Pilar reassures Charity of Miguel's love. Kay's condition deteriorates as her blood pressure goes up. Fox, Chad and Whitney settle into the Crane apartment in L.A. After Fox makes a call to a friend, Chad gets called into work. (
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