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Ep. #1087 Mon / Columbus Day
Diffusé le : 13/10/2003
Ethan holds Gwen, who is suffering from hysterical amnesia. Gwen remembers nothing after coming to L.A., and has no idea why her baby daughter has died. Ethan leaves the room to phone Rebecca, and when Gwen hears Theresa's voice, she asks Theresa to come in. Gwen is curious as to why Theresa is there, and she says she came out to visit Whitney. Gwen tells Theresa that nothing matters, not their fights over Ethan, nothing Theresa has done to her...all that matters is that innocent baby. She thanks Theresa for being there, telling her that even seeing her there, after everything that happened, makes her feel better. Theresa is about to leave to get Gwen some water when something in her face triggers a memory in Gwen. Gwen suddenly remembers everything that has happened since coming to L.A., and realises that Theresa played a direct role in her daughter's death. David caves to Ivy's pressure, and doesn't tell Grace the truth. Grace, meanwhile, is still thinking about Sam's on-air declarat (
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