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Wild Card
Précédent  2x08 Suivant
Die, Die, Who Am I?
Diffusé le : 26/09/2004
A man who narrowly misses getting hit by a bus suddenly realizes that he has no idea where he is and who he is. He hires Zoe and Dan to find out his identity. After narrowly escaping severe injury or death several more times, Zoe and Dan are convinced a hit man is after the man; who is convinced that his name is Brad Pitt and that he has a sister named Mary. Amazingly, Zoe and Dan are able to locate his girlfriend, who is very upset at him for some reason. They must convince the angry woman to reveal his identity. Meanwhile, Hannah practices for a flute recital and M., Zoe, and Dan are annoyed by a new tenant in their office building. (
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