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The Pallisers
Précédent  1x04 Suivant
Can You Forgive Her? (4)
Diffusé le : 09/02/1974
Alice's grandfather begins to ease his feelings toward George, but her father remains adamantly opposed. He even goes so far as to enlist Mr Grey in helping to protect her interests. This becomes more important as Alice is preparing to give 3000 pounds to George to aid his campaign to win the Chelsea seat, which has just come open. As the episode progresses, he finally captures the special election. Now that Parliament is back in session the Palliser's have returned to London and we see just how able Plantagenet is on the floor of the House. Alice's defense of Glencora, and Plantagenet reaction to it begin to give Glencora a hint of the fact that her husband cares for her more than she realized. Unfortunately, Squire Vavasor's health takes a turn for the worse and Alice is called back to Scotland just when Glencora will need her help the most. At a ball hosted by the Monk's the long avoided reunion of Glencora and Burgo occurs on the dance floor. He begs her to run away with him. (
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