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The Pallisers
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The Eustace Diamonds (1)
Diffusé le : 06/04/1974
The recovering Duke is buoyed by gossip of Lizzie Eustace and her diamonds. They have become a bone of contention between her and the man she is engaged to, Lord Fawn. He wants them to be in the care of the lawyers, while she insists that they will always be with her, as they were a gift from her late husband. Plantagenet finds the newly married Phineas a job in Ireland. Later the Liberals lose the election to the Conservatives. The Duke's spirits are raised further by the return of Marie from Vienna. Lizzie's barrister cousin, Frank, comes to assist her about the diamonds. She makes her feelings for him quite clear, but he is already engaged. Later we meet Lizzie's new found friends, all of whom seem very dubious, indeed. As the episode ends we get to see the glorious necklace. (
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