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The League of Gentlemen
(Le Club des gentlemen)
 0x01 Suivant
Christmas Special
Diffusé le : 27/12/2000
Synopsis Reverend Bernice is in a typically unfestive mood at Christmas time, haunted by a terrible Christmas memory, when three visitors appear at her church, each with a chilling tale to tell. STORY 1: Charlie Hull comes to tell Bernice a terrible tale of line-dancing and revenge, as Stella plots to ruin his chances in a dancing contest by using "Solutions", a coven of local women who help wreak revenge on those who have wronged. Charlie's night ends in disaster as planned: unfortunately for Stella, revenge comes at a high cost, as she is about to find out... STORY 2: An old man arrives to recount the story of his visit to the German town of Duisberg in 1975, where he boarded with the sinister Herr Lipp and his wife Lotte. The young Matthew fends off Herr Lipp's advances, and comes to some startling conclusions about the man, believing him to have a penchant for sucking blood. Nothing is as it seems, however... STORY 3: Chinnery turns up covered in blood and feathers, distraught having lost another patient to recount a story to Bernice ("God, it's getting like bloody Jackanory in here!"): his great-grandfather, one of the very best vets in the country, was sent in 1895 to work in Royston Vasey. Conned by the elderly Dr Purblind, Chinnery fell victim to a curse that would doom his ancestors for generations... (
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