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The Challenge
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Real World/Road Rules Extreme Challenge: Cease Fire (Reunion Special)
Diffusé le : 22/05/2001
Reunion Special featuring the whole cast even Ayanna who was sent home from the challenge mid-way through the season. Highlights: *Dan worked out every day for a month prior to the challenge with a Marine to prepare. *Kameelah claims the Real World girls are tougher then the Road Rules girls. *James claims Real World paid more attention to what wasn't in the rules then what was. *Road Rules admits that Ayanna would have been a better asset to the team then Susie. *Ayanna is still not sorry for her reaction to Christian's comment. *Christian wishes he could take the whole Ayanna incident night away. *James admits that being 3000 miles from Rebecca doesn't help take their relationship to the next step. *Dan admits that he had a crush on James. *Susie says she wasn't crying over being in the bath with eels, she was actually hit in the head with the mission mayor's weapon and was in pain. *Kameelah says the last two weeks of the trip both teams would not even look at ea (
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