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Rurouni Kenshin
(Kenshin, le vagabond)
Précédent  2x33 Suivant
Shishio contre Kenshin
Diffusé le : 03/09/1997
Getting back on his feet after the Ku Zu Ryu Sen, Shishio gets ready to use the final and ultimate Secret Sword attack, the Kaguzuchi. Kenshin also prepares to use his ultimate move, the Amakakeru Ryu no Hirameki. The attacks end up cancelling each other, but the resulting vacuum, temporarily immobilizes Shishio. Not missing his chance, Kenshin strikes. Shishio miraculously stands back up, but as it has been far longer than fifteen minutes, his blood starts evaporating. In fear of Shishio's life, Yumi rushes in, and begs Kenshin to spare him. However, Shishio stabs Kenshin through Yumi! He is determined to continue fighting, and Yumi dies, knowing she did something useful for once. The battle is once again at a standstill. Then suddenly, the scorching heat in Shishio's body causes him to end up being burned alive once again, this time fatally. Houji, refusing to accept Shishio's defeat, maniacally attempts to destroy the Inferno Arena to take out Sanosuke, Kenshin, Saito, and Aoshi. (
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