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Eureka Seven
Précédent  2x01 Suivant
Born Slippy (Deep Blue)
Diffusé le : 13/04/2012
April 2025. While helping his childhood friend Naru Arata, Ao Fukai accidentally takes a bracelet being smuggled by Gazelle, Pippo, and Han Juno, and a Scub Coral suddenly appears, along with a G-Monster. Gazelle and his friends were smuggling the item to the Japanese Armed Forces, but they discover the bracelet is missing and go to find Ao to try to retrieve it. In the interrim, another Scub Coral and G-Monster appears, as Cristophe Blanc of Generation Bleu makes a deal with the Union of the Okinawa Islands government to take care of the new G-Monster. Ao soon realizes that the bracelet is one owned by his mother years ago, just as Gazelle goes to take it back. (
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