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Fear Factor
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Jet Climb; Inverted Fall (Championship Edition - Part 1)
Diffusé le : 13/05/2002
This was part one of a two-part Championship edition. In Part 1 of the Fear Factor Tournament of Champions, the 13 players who had won before on Fear Factor during the second season competed again to compete for the Fear Factor Championship and $100,000 prize. There are five stunts. The men and women will compete separately until the last stunt. Stunt 1 (Men): Jet Climb The first stunt for the men would required stamina, strength and good ab muscles. Two at a time the players would be hoisted by their ankles, over 100 feet in the air. Four boxes would be strapped to their bodies, form their chests to their ankles. Each box contains a key to open the next box. Working from their chests down, players must unlock each box in order - finally releasing a FEAR FACTOR flag from the final box. The four men who won their competitions would advance. Stunt 1: (Women): Inverted Fall A marine carrier jet was hoisted high above the ground, the nighttime Los Angeles skyline sparkling in the backg (
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