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Fear Factor
Précédent  3x11 Suivant
Scooter Plank; Deer Balls & 100 Year Old Egg Nog; Trapped Under Ice
Diffusé le : 09/12/2002
This was a Christmas-themed episode. Stunt #1: Scooter Plank Contestants would have to ride a motorized scooter across a 60-foot long, 12-inch wide balance beam over 100 feet in the air. The four contestants to get across the fastest or get the furthest before falling would advance to the next round. The others would be eliminated. Any contestants who got all the way across would get to keep their scooter. Stunt #2: Deer Balls & 100 Year Old Egg Nog Contestants would have to consume reindeer testicles and glass of 100-year-old eggnog. They would dump out a stocking full of small gift boxes containing numbers 5-10 and pick one of the boxes. The number inside the box they picked would be the number of testicles they would have to eat. They would have 30 seconds for each testicle and 1 minute for the glass of eggnog. Everyone who finished within the time limit would advance to the finals. Stunt #3: Trapped Under Ice In a pool covered with a layer of Plexiglas, contestants wou (
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