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Fear Factor
Précédent  3x17 Suivant
Vertical Two Square; Electric Eels; Helicopter Rodeo
Diffusé le : 04/02/2003
This was an all-female episode. Stunt #1: Vertical Two Square The ladies would have to traverse two sides of a rotating square-shaped beam structure. Once they reached the end of the beam, they would have to crawl on a rope down to a lower platform and release a flag. The four ladies to complete this stunt the fastest or get the furthest before falling into the water below would advance to the next round. The others would be eliminated. Stunt #2: Electric Eels The ladies would have to reach into a divided tank and transfer 6 electric eels from one side of the tank to the other. The three ladies to do this the fastest would advance to the finals. The slowest lady would be eliminated. Stunt #3: Helicopter Rodeo Hanging onto a rope, the ladies would have to stay on a barrel as it pitched and swung beneath a helicopter. The lady who could stay on the barrel the longest before falling into the water below would be the Female Fear Factor Champion. (
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