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Fear Factor
Précédent  4x08 Suivant
Four Stunt Episode #2
Diffusé le : 04/11/2003
Stunt #1 (Submerged bus) Contestants would have to swim into a submerged bus, rescue up to four crash test dummies, and place them in a raft outside the bus. The two men and the two women to retrieve the most dummies the fastest before quitting would advance to the next round. The others would be eliminated. Stunt #2 (Cow parts & rotten milk) Contestants would have to use their faces to search a counter covered with dirty dishes for Madagascar hissing cockroaches. After using their mouths to retrieve five roaches and spit them into a box, they would have to drink a glass of lard & blended cow parts and a glass of rotten Fear Factor milk. The contestant to complete this stunt the fastest would win a seven day all-inclusive trip to Brazil where they would stay at Super Clubs' resort Breezes Costa Do Sauipe. No one would be eliminated in this stunt. Stunt #3 (Cow brain search) As cow spinal fluid rained down on a counter covered with cow brains, contestants would have to use th (
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