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Fear Factor
Précédent  4x12 Suivant
Boat to Boat; Worm Wine; Matrix Truck Straddle
Diffusé le : 01/12/2003
Stunt #1: Boat to Boat As two ultra boats sped down a lake, contestants would have to leap back and forth between the boats and transfer flags from the second boat to the first boat. The two men and the two women to transfer all 6 flags the fastest would advance to the next round, the others would be eliminated. Stunt #2: Worm Wine Contestants would have to use their bare feet to stomp on night crawlers in a large vat. When enough worm juice drained in to a glass at the bottom of the vat, they would have to drink the juice. The three contestants to complete this stunt the fastest would advance to the finals. The slowest person would be eliminated. Stunt #3: Matrix Truck Straddle As two semi trucks drove down the road side by side at 40 miles per hour, contestants would have to walk between the two trucks using the one-and-a-half inch ledges on the sides of the trucks. They would have to transfer up to 12 flags from the side of one truck to the side of the other truck. The c (
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