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Fear Factor
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Couples Fear Factor (2)
Diffusé le : 19/01/2004
This episode was part 2 of 7 in a series featuring nine couples competing for various cash and prizes, and a grand prize of 1 Million Dollars. Stunt #1 (Couples water platform) Both partners would be chained to a platform and submerged underwater. They would both have to grab a set of keys, find the correct key to unlock themselves, and swim to a buoy. The time would stop when the second person touched the buoy. The couple to complete this stunt the fastest would win two Jeep Wrangler Xs. No one would be eliminated in this stunt. Stunt #2 (Sewer Transfer) One partner would be standing at a trough and using their mouth to retrieve cow hearts submerged in blended cow parts, pig parts, and roaches. They would have to drop the cow hearts down a chute where they would slide into a second trough where their teammate was. Their teammate would have to retrieve the hearts with their mouth and drop them into a bucket. As this stunt went on, the blended slop would be draining from the (
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