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Fear Factor
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Siblings Fear Factor
Diffusé le : 08/03/2004
This episode featured four pairs of siblings competing as teams. Stunt #1 (Tumbler transfer) As two tumblers lined with holes rotated across from each other over the water, siblings would have to make their way to the center where the two tumblers met. One sibling would be handing the other sibling flags to post at the other end of their tumbler. As time went on, the tumblers would spin faster. The three teams to transfer the most flags the fastest before falling into the water would advance to the next round. The team with the worst score would be eliminated. Stunt #2 (Grab and Grind) One sibling would be collecting beetles, worms, crickets, scorpions, and millipedes with their mouth and spitting them into a meat grinder. They would have to turn a crank to grind the bugs into slop. Their partner would be underneath the grinder catching the slop then their mouth and spitting it on to a scale. The team to transfer the most weight in 3 minutes would win a six-night trip for fo (
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