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Fear Factor
Précédent  4x30 Suivant
Team Transfer; Hagfish Transfer; Cable Stand
Diffusé le : 19/04/2004
This episode featured five pairs competing as teams. This episode also had an unusual twist: Contestants were not allowed to sleep for the 48-hour duration of the competition. If anyone fell asleep, their team would be eliminated. Stunt #1: Team Transfer The men would be hung by their ankles from a trolley line that would take them back and forth between two platforms on the roofs of buildings over 100 feet in the air. The women would have to transfer flags from one platform to other by clipping the flags on to their belt loops and grabbing the men's arms to ride back and forth between platforms. The four teams to transfer the most flags in 5 minutes would advance to the next round. The team with the least amount of flags would be eliminated. Stunt #2: Hagfish Transfer The women would be sitting in the top of a double-decker Plexiglas box and the men would be in the bottom. The women would be covered in slimy hagfish which would also fall through to the bottom where the men w (
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