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Fear Factor
Précédent  5x05 Suivant
Best Friends
Diffusé le : 27/09/2004
This episode featured four pairs of best friends competing as teams. Stunt #1 (Underwater box) One player would be locked inside a submerged Plexiglas box with an air pocket. That player would have pass handles through a hole to his or her parter outside the box. The partner on the outside would then have to screw two of the handles into a wheel, assembling a crank. Once the crank was assembled, the player on the outside would have to turn it, opening the box, and both team members would have to swim to a Fear Factor sticker on the side of the pool. The three teams to complete this stunt the fastest would advance to the next round. The slowest team would be eliminated. Stunt #2 (Tongue bob and transfer) Both team members would be standing by tanks, one filled with animal fat, and the other filled with dead fish and oil. One player would have to bob for cow toques in his or her tank, transfer it to his or her partner, and the partner would have to carry it with his or her mout (
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