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Fear Factor
Précédent  5x06 Suivant
Babes, bikinis and The Roadkill Café
Diffusé le : 04/10/2004
This was an all-female episode. Stunt #1 (Helicopter platform) The ladies would be chained by one wrist and both ankles to a Plexiglas platform hanging from a helicopter. As the platform rocked back and forth, they would have to unlock themselves from the chains and jump into the water below. The four ladies to complete this stunt the fastest would advance to the next round, the other two would be eliminated. Stunt #2 (Roadkill Café) The ladies would have to use a shovel to chuck stuffed animals at a target in the middle of the road. This would determine the amount the amount of maggot-covered animal organ meat they would have to eat. Anyone who was able to eat her entire plate of "roadkill" within seven minutes would advance to the final round. Stunt #3 (Rotating beams) The ladies would have to work their way down a line of four rotating beams suspended over a lake, jumping from beam to beam. Each beam would have a yellow flag and a red flag at the center. The ladies would (
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