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Fear Factor
Précédent  5x29 Suivant
Best Friends #3
Diffusé le : 02/05/2005
This episode featured four pairs of best friends competing as teams. Stunt #1 (Double water beam) One team member would be standing on a 12-inch wide beam high above the ground, and their partner would be standing on an 8-inch wide beam underneath. As four water jets forced water down on the lower beam, the person on that beam would have to cross it, get a crank, walk back to the farthest water jet, and clip the crank on a rope that their partner was holding. Their partner would then have to hoist the crank up and use it to turn off the water jet. They would have to repeat this process until all four jets were turned off. The three teams to complete this stunt the fastest would advance to the next round. The slowest team would be eliminated. Stunt #2 (Sausage Feast) Both teammates would have to choose one of six covered platters, each one containing a sausage casing stuffed with disgusting food items. Both team members would have to consume their gross sausage. The gross sau (
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