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Fear Factor
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Newlyweds at Universal Studios Orlando
Diffusé le : 23/05/2005
This season finale episode featured four newlywed couples competing at Universal Studios Orlando. Stunt #1 (Rope snap and helicopter rope climb) Partners would be standing on opposite sides of a Plexiglas wall over a lagoon and be holding onto a rope. They would have move up and down to move the rope over a file on top of the wall in order to break the rope in half. They would then have drop into the water and swim to a pair of jet skis which would drag them to a helicopter. At the helicopter, they would both have to climb up ropes with 5 flags attached and release as many flags as possible before falling into the water. The three couples to get the most flags the fastest would advance to the next round. The other couple would be eliminated. Stunt #2 (Fear Factor Wedding Toast) Couples would have to dig their faces into a wedding cake filled with red worms, super worms, silk worms, beetles, and alligator eyeballs. They would both have to get mouthfuls of bugs and eyeballs and (
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