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Hanasaku Iroha
(Hanasaku Iroha: Blossoms for Tomorrow)
Précédent  1x09 Suivant
Le Jour le plus long
Diffusé le : 29/05/2011
Ohana ends up finding Tohru with the encouragement from Kōichi. He tries to book a stay in order to see Ohana except the rooms were full and he went home. Tohru says that if Ohana thinks he could solve the problem at Kissuiso, then he'll just have to fix it. In the end, they pull through and tend to every customer. A woman and her grandmother were actually the people who were from the magazine and due to Ohana's motto that every customer is equal, Kissuiso received a good rating.It was seen at the end that the Manager came back from the hospital. (
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