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Hanasaku Iroha
(Hanasaku Iroha: Blossoms for Tomorrow)
Précédent  1x13 Suivant
La Fille des Shijima - Cœur brisé
Diffusé le : 26/06/2011
The staff members of Kissuisō wait and try to mentally prepare for Satsuki's arrival. Sui places Nako in charge of taking care of Satsuki, while the others speculate on whether or not that is a good idea. Arriving, Satsuki comments on how the inn hasn't changed at all from her years as a child, and criticizes constantly on how everything is done. However, Sui states that, in order to properly satisfy a customer that one must observe them on their first stay to see what that customer prefers, adding that even though it is Satsuki's first stay in the inn, it is not her first time being there. Sui and Ohana work together to make a list of what Satsuki likes. After a night of drinking, Satsuki, Ohana, and Sui all begin to understand each other a little better, and Satsuki leaves the next morning after writing a new, positive and praising review of Kissuisō. Ohana sorts out her feelings about Ko and, after a tearful realization, shouts her thanks to him for watching over her and says her farewells. (
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