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Hanasaku Iroha
(Hanasaku Iroha: Blossoms for Tomorrow)
Précédent  1x15 Suivant
Risque de bruit
Diffusé le : 10/07/2011
The inn becomes troubled over becoming shorthanded, but reject Ohana's offer to help out. However, she feels she needs to do something and, after the inn becomes unable to find replacement waitresses, they accept Ohana's help, with Minko and Nako deciding to help her out as well. However, the robotic system that assists with dishes breaks down, so Ohana suggests that they send the customers to have a bath before dinner to give them extra time to set up the tables. As Ohana and the others work on the tables, getting help from the other students, Yuina visits Yosuke and, after hearing that he might want to marry someone like Ohana, decides to break her habit of not working and help him clean the baths. After dinner, Yosuke allows the girls to use the hot springs. As the field trip comes to an end, Yosuke decides to rethink his training whilst Yuina decides to work harder herself. (
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