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Killing Bites
Précédent  1x08 Suivant
Merde...Merde merde merde merde !!
Diffusé le : 03/03/2018
The Presidents of the four Zaibatsu’s discuss corruptly legalising hybrids, turning matches into a legal business owned solely by the zaibatsu that wins the current game. Shidoh, as the head of the hybrid creation project, has been manipulating events so that no matter which zaibatsu wins, he will be the one with all the power. Taiga insists on fighting Hitomi alone without Eruza or Kaori. Shota manages to trap Ui but damages several trees doing so, forgetting that Kido despises anyone who damages the forest. Kido rips Shota in half but leaves Ui alive. Ui becomes determined to help Hitomi. Taiga reveals that his ultimate goal is to defeat Leo and that Leo is far stronger than people think. Leo had only pretended to lose to Hitomi as her strength was so far below his he didn’t take the fight seriously. Taiga, knowing Leo only seriously fights those he considers his equal, strove to become stronger so he could kill Leo in a fair fight. As Hitomi had insulted Leo by believing herself capable of killing him, Taiga became determined to kill Hitomi for the insult. Hitomi and Taiga prepare to fight to the death. (
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