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Kaleido Star
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A Hot, Amazing, New Production
Diffusé le : 19/06/2003
As Layla rejects a film role, Sora gets the chance to co-star with Layla in the next production, Arabian Nights. The featured act involves a tight rope act attached to a rocking ship. Immediately, Layla mounts the tight rope and tries out some gymnastics maneuvers. For the production, Kalos adds the idea of the ship surrounded by flames. Both Layla and Sora think through the idea of co-starring and dedicate a week of practice towards the viability of co-starring. With the help of others, Sora quickly learns to handle the movable tight rope, despite inexperience with the tight rope. After a locker room prank, she brings the diabolo into her routine to address the issue of falling. For the audition, Sora uses an innovative diabolos trick and demonstrates her ability to co-star with Layla. (
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