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Kaleido Star
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The Amazing Resolve Beneath The Mask
Diffusé le : 28/08/2003
Performances at the marine park continue, and a low-profile Layla scurries off after the rain. Apparently, Yuri is aware of her identity as the masked performer, and Layla's father confronts her about it. In the meantime, Yuri buys out a large number of marine park tickets, on condition for the cancellation of Sora's contract. This forces the group to enter a performance competition in Vancouver, where Yuri is unknowingly one of the judges. Concerned about Sora, Layla temporarily leaves her movie production and helps with the group's performance as the masked performer. Afterwards, Layla's identity is revealed in front of everyone, including her own father, and Layla expresses her desire to continue performing. In the end, Layla gains the ability to see Fool. (
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