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Phi Brain: Kami no Puzzle
(Phi-Brain ~ Puzzle of God)
Précédent  3x01 Suivant
Diffusé le : 06/10/2013
Whilst exploring a Sage's Puzzle in England with Jin in the hopes of recovering his memory, Kaito stumbles upon an unsolved puzzle, having assumed Jin had already solved all of them. Solving the puzzle with ease, Kaito discovers a brooch with a cat engraved on it, which Jin takes an interest in. Later, they, along with Nonoha and Rook, go to the Fool's Puzzle where Kaito and Rook previously faced off against each other, where they encounter a strange girl named Raetsel, who takes the brooch and runs off with Jin inside the puzzle, activating its traps. Back in Japan, a man named Johan Seigmund Enigma appears before the other Phi Brain children, attaching an explosive puzzle on Cubic's back, stating his intent to annihilate all puzzlers, claiming it to be Jin's desire. After the bomb is disarmed, Enigma leaves whilst his accomplace, Whodunnit, challenges the others to a puzzle. Meanwhile, Kaito's group arrive at a room with many doors, with Raetsel tasking them with finding the correct door before the ceiling collapses, claiming that Jin hated puzzles. (
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