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The Daily Show
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Douglas Farah
Diffusé le : 13/09/2007
Tonight, journalist and author of Merchant of Death: Money, Guns, Planes, and the Man Who Makes War Possible, Douglas Farah. Jon begins tonight's show with an update on Senator John McCain's Straight Talk Express bus now changed into the No Surrender bus. Jon called John over the phone to see how the new bus was treating the Senator. Next, Jon talks about Petraeus' Senate testimony and the 7 minutes allowed per Senator to ask their questions in a segment called "Iraq Me: Dave Petraeus". Senator Barbara Boxer spent the entire 7 minutes not asking a single question. Finally, Samantha Bee in a segment called "This Week In God: Back to School Edition". The religious topics this evening: a plan to teach Arabic in a public school in Brooklyn whose principal was eventually fired for a white Jewish lady, footbaths for Muslims in a university unisex bathroom, and a religious university created by the founder of Dominoes pizza. (
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