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The Daily Show
Précédent  29x82 Suivant
Mark Cuban
Diffusé le : 12/08/2024
Donald Trump thought he was cruising to victory against Joe Biden, but now he's facing a hard fight against Kamala Harris. Jon Stewart looks at Trump's half-hearted attempts to adjust to the new challenge and wonders if he's hatching a devious plan to help Biden take back the nomination, January 6th style. Entrepreneur and minority owner of the NBA's Dallas Mavericks, Mark Cuban, joins Jon Stewart to discuss disrupting the healthcare industry as co-founder of Cost Plus Drug Company. They discuss Silicon Valley's goals of anointing Trump as CEO of America and serving as board members, the unpredictable future of AI, how Elon Musk utilizes X (formerly Twitter) algorithms to control the global discourse, and how drug price transparency has changed the future of our healthcare system. (
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