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General Hospital
Précédent  34x01 Suivant
03.04.97 - Tuesday
Diffusé le : 04/03/1997
Lucky visits Nikolas and asks him to find out what drugs Stefan gave Lesley. Stefan overhears and tells Nikolas the Spencers are lying to him. Nikolas asks Stefan to hand over Lesley's medical files to prove his innocence. Laura remembers her past affair with Stefan and telling him she was pregnant. Luke & Laura are surprised by Lesley's miraculous signs of recovery. Tom asks Felicia for another chance, but she's tired of playing second to his vendetta against Stefan. Then Luke comes by and tells Tom about Lesley and Tom leaves Felicia again. Lucy's worried when Kevin meets with Alexis to discuss his contract with Stefan. Kevin tells her she'll have to accept the fact he's working for the Cassadines. Lucy goes to Felicia and asks for her help. Tony tells Katherine she's going to be released from the hospital. Katherine subtley asks Tony about Stefan's marriage to Bobbie. Tony rebuffs Carly's offer to accompany him to pick up Lucas. Stefan threatens Laura to leave town with Lesley or he (
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