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General Hospital
Précédent  39x92 Suivant
05.09.02 - Thursday
Diffusé le : 09/05/2002
Preview:A.J. again charms Courtney. Recap:In spite of the promises they both made to Elizabeth, Sarah and Lucky continue to kiss passionately. Sarah eventually pulls back and Lucky reluctantly leaves. However, as they separate, the two are haunted by the same special song. Skye approaches Jax for his help in her attempt to win Edward's support of A.J. Jax isn't willing to get involved but the two end up falling into bed where they make love. Jax ends up defending Rae when Edward attacks her. Rae warns Skye not to get in the middle of Alan and Monica's marital troubles. Upset that he seems to be deliberately antagonizing Sonny, Courtney is upset with her husband until A.J. turns on the charm and romances her to win back her support. Alexis stares as Sonny breaks down when he realizes that Carly died because of her love for him. When one of Carly's red shoes shows up at the accident site, Sonny takes it as a sign that helps him come to terms with her death. He turns to Alexis and express (
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