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General Hospital
Précédent  39x101 Suivant
05.22.02 - Wednesday
Diffusé le : 22/05/2002
Preview:AJ shares a theory. Recap:Marcus explains to his mother how he hopes to nail Nikolas without incriminating Gia. Sonny asks Alexis where they stand now that Carly has turned up alive and well. At the hospital, Carly asks a leery Zander if he knows what happened to upset her on the night of the accident. Luke and Roy do a little breaking and entering in their quest to learn more about the corpse who stood in for Carly at her funeral. A jealous Gia furiously confronts her fiancé after spotting Nikolas cozying up to Sharifa. A.J. retains a tough new lawyer to help him regain custody of Michael. Nikolas explains to Gia how they can feed false information to Marcus through Sharifa. Meanwhile, Sharifa bristles when Marcus suggests that she sleep with Nikolas to drive a permanent wedge between the prince and Gia. Courtesy:Tv (
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