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Murphy Brown
Précédent  4x20 Suivant
Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are
Diffusé le : 04/03/1992
After Miles describes a, according to Frank's opinion, homoerotic dream of him and the new publicity guy, Rick 'frolicking', Miles panics. Frank says that's no big deal, and that he probably picked up from the fact that Rick was gay, Murphy does not think Rick is gay so they make a bet. When Rick shows up at the bullpen the gang start to question him about many things about his life, to see if he says anything more revealing about his sexuality. Rick notices that and confirms he is gay, emberassing the whole gang. Miles is totally freaked out, so he goes to one shrink after another, they all agree that there's a possibility that he is really gay. Without knowing what to do, Miles asks for advice Frank, but it doesn't really help, then he goes to Murphy, which doesn't help very much either. Moments later Rick asks Miles to go to Phil's with him to show the new promos for the show, Miles reluctantly goes. At Phil's, Rick notices Miles is giving excuses to get away from their meeting. (
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