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Murphy Brown
Précédent  4x23 Suivant
He-Ho, He-Ho, It's Off to Lamaze We Go
Diffusé le : 27/04/1992
Murphy's doctor advises her to take Lamaze classes, and even though Murphy thinks it's not really necessary, she agrees. The problem is that Murphy has to find a partner for that. Frank is her first choice, but he won't be able to make it, because he has to go on location for a story. Murphy then goes after Jim, but only the thought makes him very embarassed and uncomfortable. Miles can't do it either for the same reason. Corky offers to, but Murphy doesn't think it's a good idea. The only one left is Eldin, who reluctantly agrees saying that ha can't make any promises, because he's a free spirit and he doesnt like to stick around at the same place for too long (yeah, right). And that's a big commitment for him. They go to the first class and aparently Murphy and Eldin is not the only couple who doesn't know what they're doing. At the second class, one of the couples is absent, because they had thir baby. The other two seem to be getting better, but Murphy is still clueless. Th (
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