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The Bill
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Beech is Back (6)
Diffusé le : 07/09/2001
Part Six: Beech escapes yet again, but this time, he is wounded, and is unaware that a fully recovered Stanton is hot on his tail. Stanton trails Rachel and discovers that she is sleeping with Mal Lockye, a bent police officer whose deposit box was raided by Beech during the robbery, and Rachel has been setting up Beech in order to take all of the money. As a wounded Beech makes good his escape, his plan falls to pieces when he realises what Rachel has done, and Stanton arrives to take hold of the situation. Beech soon realises there is nowhere left to turn, and hands himself in. A smug Stanton watches on as Beech is sentenced to life imprisonment for robbery and the murder of John Boulton. (
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