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The Bill
Précédent  20x17 Suivant
Office Politics
Diffusé le : 10/03/2004
Andrea Dunbar arrives at Sun Hill for her first shift, and her keenness seems too good to be true - but little do the relief know that they have an undercover reporter in their midst. When Sharpe discovers that McAllister told Manson about Meadows' affair, she is furious - and the pair come to blows. Tensions run high between Manson and Meadows when Manson declares he wants Sharpe out of CID - no matter what. Just as he is announcing her departure to the rest of the department, Meadows comes in with an offer for Sharpe to join MIT. Page is snubbed by Manson during her shift back, and things turn from bad to worse when she returns home to find the word 'murderer' painted across her flat window. (
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